It's like Tumblr on crack! Its an online pinboard of all the things you love, ANYTHING you see online on some random blog or website that catches your eye, you can pin to a "pinboard" of your choice.They have this great "pinterest bookmarklet" that you install onto your tool bar and just click it everytime you see something lovely. You can have as many pinboards and categories as you like. Here's the link to my pinterest (, if you're new to this and need an invite, just let me know. It's pretty much consumed my life with all the wonderful things you see on there. Its better just to take a look for yourself. Seriously. Words can not describe the amazingness.
Thank me later!
Cocktailing Mascaras
This isnt anything new or innovative or anything but the results are pretty great! I do this with my hair products and foundations, I'm not sure why doing this with my mascara didnt ever cross my mind. "Cocktailing" is basically just mixing two or more products to achieve the look that you want. I've got an entirely too massive mascara collection sitting in my mascara drawer, due to the fact that I havent found a mascara that I LOVE. I just buy and try and just feel kind of ok with all of them. And well... theres just no way i can use up one tube at a time before they all go bad. I've got probably like 15+ tubes of mascara just chillin' up there so i know eventually I'll get the MASTER of all mascara combinations figured out. But until then... these are the ones im using
Rimmel London Volume Flash The Max Bold Curves
This is a new find/purchase. And I'm thrilled with the way this mascara performs! I dont usually curl my mostly straight lashes, but this mascara REALLY gives them the bend and lift that a Lash Curler gives them, but it's BETTER because it lasts all day! Im really impressed with this, and i will more than likely repurchase this.
Price: 6.00$

Rimmel London Lash Accelerator Mascara with Grow-Lash Complex
I've actually used this mascara since it first came out, and I'm not even going to try to lie, the only reason I bought it is because I just LOVE Zooey Deschanel. I really didnt even care what the claims were as far as what the product said it would do. I love the packaging and the brush shape is really great. And I really actually have seen a difference in the length of my lashes, so thats awesome! I'm wanting to try the Volume Accelerator as well, and I'll do a full review on both products.
Price: 8.99$

E.L.F Lip Stains
Anyone who knows me,has more than likely heard me RAVE about E.L.F Products over the past 4...ish years. And since they've come out with the Studio Line, the raving just keeps coming. The Lip Stains are simply INCREDIBLE! I just love them so much. I've had a lot of experience in the world of Lip Stains over the years, and most brands just dont get it right. The Revlon "Just Bitten" line, too streaky, not even coverage, although they have great colors. The MAC Lip Stain Markers are pretty good but can be a bit drying,Same with the Pixi. And the Laura Mercier ones dont last as long. SOOOOOO after all those trial and (little) errors, you can imagine how ecstatic i was to spend 3$ on the PERFECT product. No drying out my lips, no streaky coverage, and it lasted about 6 hours (including eating). Basically, I LOVE it...i think you get the point! Here are the 2 colors I've been wearing NONSTOP...i mean everyday for the last month and 5days haha.
Birthday Suit
Olay Pro-X Advance Cleaning System
Olay Pro-X Advance Cleaning System
I've used this beaut during my nighttime face cleansing and let me just tell you, it is better than I ever imagined it would be. I guess I never really full put my face-faith into these motorized face thingys. For years, I’ve thought, “it cant reeeeally be THAT much better than my washcloth and hands”. I would like to take a moment to step down off of my “always right” podium and say that BOY, WAS I WRONG!! This thing had changed the way my skin look in such positive ways that I’m constantly in awe of.
Here’s what the Olay website says about it:
Designed by a team of dermatologists along with Olay, the Advanced Cleansing System is as effective as a system sold by skin professionals for nearly $200.* Professionally and clinically designed to cleanse 6 times better**, the Pro-X Advanced Cleansing System also sets your skin up for supersonic anti-aging moisturization.†
Click here to see its 4 professionally designed features.
System includes:
2-speed facial cleansing brush
Soft bristle replaceable brush head
Exfoliating Renewal Cleanser (20mL)

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